By Tang Yauhoong
Globalization has been a mixed blessing. We can now communicate faster, yet sometimes speed and efficiency are not the same thing.

I write this after reading the wonderful article My Two Minds, which I have included at the bottom of this post and was originally published in the May 5 - 11 edition of New Scientist.

Throughout this article (that doubles as a compendium of years of research on languages) I found myself daunted by the incredible amount of evidence that champions the idea that being bilingual or multilingual has many outreaching benefits. 

Studies of bilinguals have proved that we are more effective at reading, driving and even mathematics. It might seem like an obvious thing, but apart from being that, it has been scientifically proven and practically validated. There seem to be countless benefits of studying two languages, there also seems to be countless repercussions if you don't. On average, monolinguals tend to develop Alzheimer and dementia 5 years earlier than bilinguals. Studying a second language is almost like having a 7% life expectancy boost if you live in the USA. 

The article suggests that knowing multiple languages is almost like having two personalities which are linked to the experiences that occurred while you were learning and interacting with a certain language. This was like preaching to the choir for me, I suspected languages had some effect like that but had never looked or read anything that even suggested such idea. As weird as this sounds, I am making an effort of thinking and speaking in english, I find myself to be more productive and more outgoing this way. I mainly spoke english with friends during international trips: New Zealand, USA and Europe, which probably explains why i'm much more outgoing in english, I have had more and better experiences while speaking that language.

My Two Minds
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